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Im sorry for the possible off-topic Guys, but could you irfnom me which web hosting company you are using right now I have a problem because my current web hosting company bluehost.com is kicking me off. They say that our website is using too many server resources. But our website only gets 300 visitors per week. Anyway, what would be your recommendations? Are you happy with your web hosting company? I am checking LCN at the moment, but is it real that they can provide unlimited disk space? I have contacted them and they say something like 500gb disk drive costs only $30 per month, so if some day we will start running out of disk space we will simply add a new 500gb drive so can continue updating.. Whats your opinion? Any ideas and web host name suggestions are much appreciated.
A message board normally refers to a website where users post comments or questions.
Bulletin board systems (BBS) were the first examples of message boards, but they were not websites. BBS was based around the [[telnet]] protocol where users logged into a server and typed commands to view information or post their messages. BBS has existed on the internet almost since its inception and is probably the first example of [[social media]].
The content in a message board is typically categorised and structured in a linear fashion.

Latest revision as of 11:50, 19 November 2013

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A message board normally refers to a website where users post comments or questions.

Bulletin board systems (BBS) were the first examples of message boards, but they were not websites. BBS was based around the telnet protocol where users logged into a server and typed commands to view information or post their messages. BBS has existed on the internet almost since its inception and is probably the first example of social media.

The content in a message board is typically categorised and structured in a linear fashion.

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