
From DigitalJargonBuster

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How do I use this wiki?

Want to look up a jargon term you don't understand? Type it into the search box on the left and hit go!

How do I change a term?

  1. Find it through the search box or through links from other pages such as the Index.
  2. Click on the edit tab at the top of the screen.
  3. Edit away! Make sure you read our Editing Guidelines before saving your changes...

How do I add a new term?

  1. First of all, search for the jargon term or its synonyms in case it has already been published.
  2. If the search does not find the right page, it will give you the option of creating a new page for your jargon term - click create this page.
  3. Edit away, but make sure you read our Editing Guidelines before saving your changes...

Not quite sure what to write? Not sure how to write it?

  • Use the talk/discussion tab at the top of any page to talk about it.
  • Click the + tab to add a new discussion item.

Have you heard a phrase you didn't understand? Can't find the definition here?

  • Put it on the Jargon discussion page.
  • Use the discussion page to list terms and phrases that we've missed.
  • Hit the + tab at the top to add a new discussion item.

How do I link to the Digital Jargon Buster from my website?

Have a look at the page that tells you all about how to put the Digital Jargon Buster on your website.

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