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Blog is format of website, short for weblog, and is most commonly used like a journal with dated entries written by a user or many users. Blogging has become very popular in recent years and many companies have their own blogs to keep customers up to date on latest developments.

Blogs typically contain mostly text, but most support special formatting and can insert pictures and photos directly into the posts. Blos posts tend to be sorted in reverse chronological order, i.e. with most recent content being at the top of the web page and seen first.

The origins of blogs lay in online diaries and commentaries that boosted the scope and breadth of people's own web pages soon after 2000. Typically blogs invite comment and create a framework for viewer involvement. From 2005 the trend went mainstream, with the content management systems of leading players such as Moveable Type and Blogger becoming part of web publishing. Blogging unlocked massive pent-up demand from internet publishers and quickly spawned many variations from those using photos (photoblogs), videos (vlogs) or updated from mobiles (moblogs). By the start of 2006 a new blog was being created every second and by May 2007 Technorati (a readership tracking website) was listing more than 70m blogs.

Blogs are normally accompanied by XML feeds that other websites or programs can read and present the content of the blog in another format or notify users and search engines when a new post is created on the blog.

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