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Revision as of 22:55, 2 June 2012 by (Talk)

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There have been issues over the past cuolpe of weeks which may have impacted on confidence in Google Chrome amongst Aol users who maintain a presense on their free webspace provided by Aol hometown uk.The blacklisting of Hometown caused outrage and mistrust of Google amongst the vast majority of people who keep a clean, innocent website there.This could well have led to a mistrust of browsers that attempt to classify how safe a website is. The US seems to register a fairly massive swing from FF to IE. The tarring all with the same brush attack on Hometown by google will not sit well with Aol users and the many visitors to their sites who know the pages they visit are safe.It seems the blacklisting has been removed, but the reason behind the whole event has turned around and splashed a large dish of irony Google's way.

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