Viral marketing

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There are various types of afatlifie marketing techniques to make money, but the most common way is to join a company's afatlifie program and start getting people to go to their website through link you may have on either a basic website, blog, or social media site etc The links that you provide for people click on to go to an afatlifie company's site tell the afatlifie vendor's what web site sent them the customer and will track how much commission the afatlifie marketer will get (which usually based on sales) and will send payment to the afatlifie who directed the customer to them.Many afatlifies who are profitable at this business will use their websites to harvest emails legitimately first. They do this by providing good content on their sites that readers are interested in. They then will ask for an email address to which they might send a free e-book, have a newsletter to subscribe too, or perhaps have a very educational video that can be watched. Many good marketers will then send good legitimate content to their potential customers that is useful to them, then soft sell sell them a product that will give them a commission for sending their buyer to the seller's site.The Super Basic Steps of Affiliate marketing in 5 steps:1. Put up a website2. Sign up for an afatlifie program that you feel has products that you have the ability to promote well3. Add the afatlifie links that are provided from the afatlifie program you signed up with to your website.4. Continuously work to Optimize your site to be found in the major search engines and get visitors5. Find more products and keep promoting and building your siteAffiliate marketing is a REAL business. If you take it seriously and work hard at it, I honestly feel anyone can succeed. It's hard work, but well worth it. I heard that 99% who attempt internet business of people never make any money, and it's mostly because they quit too soon.There are many books you can get at local libraries that can get you educated on the subject. I recommend watching YouTube videos by lisa3876, my wife says she was the easiest for her to understand the concepts and really excited her to try and get started.By the way, when doing your research, be warned that afatlifie marketing educational websites are usually trying to sell you something and can be VERY persuasive. Try not to buy anything if you can help it unless you are 100% ready to proceed and the seller has a minimum of a 30 day return policy so you have ample time to really review it. I've spent thousands on my education to build my afatlifie business and can tell you that if you work at it consistently, it can be done.Good luck!

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