Behavioral advertising

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A technique in online advertising that uses behavioural targeting to deliver messages based on the known or anticipated interests of consumers. By matching the profile of viewers to advertising content that is deemed to be relevant, the media owner selling that ad space can command a price premium. Some consumer groups have become concerned about the privacy issues related to online behavioural advertising and the way consumer data is gathered and the process for informing consumers. While the advertising industry has responded with education and advocacy approaches, there remains a tension that has led many regulators to evaluate tighter regulation of relevant data protection laws, or tighter self-regulation of the online behavioural advertising industry. The European Commission (via Commissioner Meglena Kuneva) has raised a number of concerns related to online data collection (of personal data), profiling and behavioural targeting. Marketers intending to use online behavioural advertising should ensure their suppliers are compliant with local regulatory frameworks. See also:Behavioral targeting, Onsite behavioral targeting

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