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Any form of promotional space bought on a web page.
Check that off the list of things I was cuonfsed about.
Initially web advertisements were mainly limited to a few graphical formats, but today come in dozens of shapes, sizes, technologies and formats. The [[banner]] was the first widely adopted shape and remains a popular choice. Banners have been joined by [[Pop-up|pop-ups]], [[Skyscraper|skyscrapers]], [[IMU|IMUs]] and a range of other graphical formats. Inside advertising spaces, a wide range of technologies can be used to present the advertising content. The shape and size of graphical images typically conform to a designated pixel e and byte size agreed by the industry. Early technical formats (such as [[GIF]] and [[JPEG]]) have been joined by sophisticated software programmes (collectively known as [[rich media]]). The act of purchasing the space usually acts as the test of whether self-regulatory codes of advertising content compliance can be applied. An ad or set of ads for a campaign is often referred to as 'the creative'.

Revision as of 13:01, 12 December 2011

Check that off the list of things I was cuonfsed about.

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