Difference between revisions of "File weight"

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(New page: The term that describes the memory size of a file, typically a web advert. The larger the file weight, the greater the scope for creative development of the advertising artwork. There has ...)
(Redirecting to File size)
(2 intermediate revisions by one user not shown)
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The term that describes the memory size of a file, typically a web advert.
#redirect [[File size]]
The larger the file weight, the greater the scope for creative development of the advertising artwork. There has
been a tension in the industry between those designing adverts (who argue for larger file weights), and
web masters responsible for the viewer's experience (who argue for smaller file weights to reduce the load on
their servers and the speed of download for the user). The industry agrees the standards for file weights through

Latest revision as of 13:53, 6 June 2007

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