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About the Digital Jargon Buster

The Digital Jargon Buster has been created to solve the ever-growing problem of jargon in the digital domain.

The Digital Jargon Buster

We're on a mission to cut through the jargon. Digital media and marketing has spawned a new breed of jargon; the crashing together of the worlds of media, marketing, IT and telecoms has left us drowning in language most don't understand and even those that do still readily confuse. Our web monkeys have been searching high and low for some clear language that explains what it all really means.

We hate jargon!

Ever had a conversation about the web and not understood anything the other person said? Hey, you're not alone! The jargon sucks. It's unnecessary, confusing and a barrier to everyone's understanding. So that's why we created this jargon buster. We're on a mission to stamp out the jargon.

Let's get jargon busting

Digital media and marketing spawned a new breed of jargon; the crashing together of the worlds of media, marketing, IT and telecoms has left us drowning in language most don't understand and even those that do still readily confuse. Sure, every industry has its abbreviations and common terms, but rarely has the obsession been as huge and overpowering as in digital marketing.

Let's put an end to it

There's clarity in simplicity, and good business through clarity. We've built this up by listing the terms we hear most often. They only represent a small slice of internet jargon, and they're our interpretation of the meaning, but should point you in the right direction. If we've missed a term, then simply tell us. And if you have a suggestion for the definition or links then be sure to tell us those as well.

Thanks to Digital Jargon Buster's supporters

We're delighted that trade associations across Europe are supporting our jargon busting crusade. If you're from a trade body then get in touch and take the jargon busting crusade to your members. We can also work with you on translation and terms in your national language.

Run the Digital Jargon Buster free on your website

If you're in the digital industry why not use the Digital Jargon Buster on your own site. There's no cost and it's just a few lines of code to add. Take the jargon busting crusade to your customers.

The results will always be fresh and if your customers find some jargon they don't get then we'll define it for them too.

Please read the Digital Jargon Buster "On Your Site" guidelines

Why become a jargon buster? Hints and tips for media sales teams...

In the world of media sales it's easy to become so familiar with the jargon that you forget to define it and explain it to customers. Even the simple terms for pricing (CPM for cost per thousand or CPA for cost per acquisition), can confuse those new to the industry, and as media sales teams it's key to ensure that the language is as simple to understand as possible. This makes it easier for your customers to buy.

Alongside the buying models there are lots of jargon terms for the advertising formats and these really need to be clarified because each technology vendor might have their own flavour of jargon for formats which are essentially the same. There's no substitute to explaining these to clients with demonstrations because that will also help people visualise the power of what's available.

In the jargon guide we've also given you the details of lots of the metrics (impressions, clicks, visits etc) that you'll come across regularly and some explanations about when they are used, and why. If you come across other metrics then let us know.

Take the Digital Jargon Survey!

We want to know how you feel about digital jargon. Our survey won't take you a minute!

Digital Jargon Survey

Copyright and Licensing

Unless otherwise stated the content in the Digital Jargon Buster is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0. When users edit the content on this wiki, they must make sure that their changes conform to this license.

In short, if you want to use something you read in the Digital Jargon Buster, make sure you give credit to it and provide a link to the website.

Privacy Policy

When you register you have the option to supply an email address. You can then choose to allow other users to contact you through the wiki. We will never pass these details to third parties and will seek to keep this information secure.


This wiki has been created by Digital Strategy Consulting.

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